about Brittany Vermeer

With more than 15 years of experience as a writer and photographer, Brittany Vermeer draws on her journalistic roots, and her knack for storytelling, to create captivating narratives.

Selected Works
Check out my blog.
A runner after a race smiling while eating watermelon.
Why is Pacing So hard?
The fine line between emptying the tank and hitting a wall.
Triathletes: Just Stop Using the Word “Just”
“It’s just a 70.3” (or the similar but equally annoying) “Just wait till you do...
Am I Doing Strength All Wrong? Q&A with Jay Dicharry
Am I doing strength all wrong? According to leading endurance sport physical therapist and running...
The One Triathlon Tool You Can’t Buy is…
It's like the search for the Holy Grail. Self-belief is this elusive thing that we...