about Brittany Vermeer

With more than 15 years of experience as a writer and photographer, Brittany Vermeer draws on her journalistic roots, and her knack for storytelling, to create captivating narratives.

Selected Works
Check out my blog.
water bottle
One Bottle of Water, No Strings Attached
A story about the good that's still in the world.
A woman running in a triathlon.
Becoming Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
To get used to pushing your body to a point where it feels like you’re...
A runner after a race smiling while eating watermelon.
Why is Pacing So Hard?
The fine line between emptying the tank and hitting a wall.
Triathletes: Just Stop Using the Word “Just”
“It’s just a 70.3” (or the similar but equally annoying) “Just wait till you do...