Sometimes, companies reach out to me asking if I can review their products. But in this case, I saw the Chirp Wheel online and asked them if I could give it a try!
Because I sit in front of a computer screen for 6+ hours a day, I have a lot of neck and upper back soreness. Then, when I’m not working, I’m either swimming, in the aero position on the bike, or running, which adds even more strain. I foam roll, stretch, and do yoga, but I’ve always had trouble with my neck, specifically.
I wanted to see if the Chirp Wheel could help alleviate some of the pain, and I was curious to see if it was any different than a typical foam roller.

What’s the difference between a Chirp Wheel and a foam roller?
First, the Chirp Wheel is much more rigid than I expected. I thought it might have some bend or flex, but it’s very sturdy. Actually, it can hold up to 500 lb.
It’s made of injection molded ABS plastic and wrapped in 11” of EVA foam padding, so it’s very cushioned as well. Unlike a foam roller, the Chirp Wheel has a padded channel that protects the spine, which allows you to really dig into the muscles in the back.
Also, it fits perfectly in between the shoulder blades, which is where I have the most trouble.
Eliminate back pain, increase mobility, and improve posture
What size wheel should I get?
I was excited when Chirp sent me their 4-pack, which includes different sized wheels for varying levels of pressure.
- 12” gentle
- 10” firm
- 6” deep tissue
- 4” focus
If I had to pick my favorite, it would be the largest 12” wheel. I have a tendency to hunch my shoulders while sitting at my desk in front of the computer. Rolling on the 12” wheel completely reverses that position, which provides relief for my neck and upper back.

Different ways to use the Chirp Wheel
The most common way to use the Chirp Wheel is like a typical foam roller. Sit on the ground and place the wheel against your back and the floor. Then, use your legs to push off and roll back and forth along your spine.
My husband likes to cross his arms over his chest to really dig into the muscles along the spine, but I like to let my arms fall to my sides for a chest opening stretch. The 12” wheel is my favorite for this purpose, but you could also use the 10”.
The 10” wheel is also a good choice if you want a more firm feel than the 12”, but it’s not as intense as the 6” deep tissue. If that’s too much pressure for your back, you can use any sized wheel against a wall, which eliminates your bodyweight.
I’ve also used the 10” and 6” wheels for rolling out my IT band, glutes, and thighs.
I use the 4” for two different purposes. I lay on my back and put the small wheel under my neck for a gentle stretch. Also, it can be used against your lower back as a posture corrector when you’re sitting at your desk. (Actually, I’m using it right now!)

Overall impressions
Overall, I really enjoy using the Chirp Wheel! I have a stretching routine I do every morning that takes about 15 minutes where I roll my upper back, quads, and IT band.
I will definitely be incorporating the 12″ wheel into this process, because it really helps release the muscle tension and soreness in my upper back and neck. I’m going to continue experimenting with using the 4″ wheel as posture support in between my lower back and chair, when I’m sitting at my desk for long periods of time.
My mom has commandeered the 10″ wheel, because she suffers from a lot of back issues and enjoys using it as well! Matt has even been known to use the 12″ wheel as well, so it’s good they sent me a 4 pack…
Chirp has a 60-day feel good guarantee, so it’s pretty low risk for reduced back pain, improved mobility, and better posture.
They also have another cool device called the Chirp RPM, a rolling percussive massage that’s amazing for calf soreness! Click here to check out that review.