
A runner after a race smiling while eating watermelon.
Why is Pacing So Hard?
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The fine line between emptying the tank and hitting a wall.
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Triathletes: Just Stop Using the Word “Just”
“It’s just a 70.3” (or the similar but equally annoying) “Just wait till you do an Ironman.” Check out 3 common ways we minimize by using the word "just."
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The One Triathlon Tool You Can’t Buy is…
It's like the search for the Holy Grail. Self-belief is this elusive thing that we know would be amazing to have, but we’re not sure how to go about finding it. 
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The One Thing You Need to Do an Ironman… Or Face Any Other Challenge in Life
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When your body breaks and your mind takes over, you can let it ruin your race or you can let it give you that extra bit of gas you didn’t think you had.
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13 Things Mentally Strong Triathletes Don’t Do
Putting a triathlete twist on Amy Morin's popular book- 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do.
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“What if the Swim Gets Cancelled?” How to Resist the Trap of What-If Thinking
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The problem with what-if thinking is that it stems from a place of anxiety about something we don’t have any control over.
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Emma Pallant-Browne
Empowering Endurance: A Conversation with Emma Pallant-Browne on Resilience, Happiness, and Self-Confidence
I talk to Emma Pallant Browne about the struggles she faces as a pro triathlete, how to use happiness as fuel, her go-to race mantra, and where self-confidence really comes from.  
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5 Phrases to Remove From Your Triathlon Vocabulary
These pop up on social media daily, and it’s time to take them down. Some are ridiculous, some can be dangerous, and some are just downright stupid.  
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A female triathlete riding her bike in a triathlon
Building Resilience and Mental Toughness in Triathlon
People tend to think that being resilient or having mental strength is something you’re just born with. But these are skills you can train.
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A graphic that says perception problems with rate of perceived exertion
Perception Problems with RPE
RPE refers to "rate of perceived exertion." It's a tool you can use to rate your workouts based on how hard they feel on a scale of 1-10.
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