
a female cyclists wearing a hydration monitor
Stay Salty: Reusable Tech for the Seriously Sweaty Athlete
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The first reusable hydration monitor for athletes.
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A female runner gazing into a pond with her reflection
How to Give Imposter Syndrome the Finger
Do you doubt yourself and your abilities? Do you fear not being able to live up to expectations? Do you focus on mistakes instead of progress?
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water bottle
One Bottle of Water, No Strings Attached
A story about the good that's still in the world.
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A woman running in a triathlon.
Becoming Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
To get used to pushing your body to a point where it feels like you’re going to die, but you aren’t actually going to die, so when you approach that point again, your brain will chill out and realize, “Everything...
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A runner after a race smiling while eating watermelon.
Why is Pacing So hard?
The fine line between emptying the tank and hitting a wall.
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Triathletes: Just Stop Using the Word “Just”
“It’s just a 70.3” (or the similar but equally annoying) “Just wait till you do an Ironman.” Check out 3 common ways we minimize by using the word "just."
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a male and female triathlete with medals
2024 St. Anthony’s Race Report
First race of the 2024 season! Last weekend, we headed south to St. Petersburg, Florida for St. Anthony’s Triathlon.
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A female triathlete competing in an Ironman triathlon.
Your Complete Guide to Race Week: 10 Essential Steps
Race week is an exciting time, but it can be filled with a lot of stress and anxiety if you haven't prepared. Check out these 10 essential steps.
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A female triathlete running in an Ironman triathlon.
Triathletes of Faith: Stories of Strength and Sacrifice
Find out how a Mormon pro triathlete, a Christian preacher, and a Jewish mother of 5 balance competing in triathlon with their faith.
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