triathlon training

A woman running in a triathlon
5 Cues that Helped Me as a New Runner
I use these 5 running cues as a mental checklist that I go through during every run to make sure I'm focused on breathing, cadence, and form.
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A female triathlete using the Cool Mitt device.
Cool Mitt Device Review: Is it Worth the Hype?
Developed with technology from Stanford, Cool Mitt leverages the body’s natural cooling mechanism to increase endurance, delay fatigue, and improve performance.
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a female triathlete putting on her shoes to go for a brick run
Balancing Act: How to Fit Triathlon Training into Your Busy Life
Do you struggle to find time to fit triathlon training in your busy life? You’re not alone. Here are a few simple strategies to maximize the time you have.
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An image of a girl with words surrounding her. The words we say to ourselves matter.
Our Words Matter: How Self Talk Can Improve Performance and Confidence
The words we say to ourselves matter, more than you might think. But it's not just important WHAT we say, but also HOW we say it.
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Image of a female runner's reflection in the water
Train Slow to Race Fast: Tales of Aerobic Running
It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to do something that isn't necessarily fun now, but will pay BIG dividends in the future. That's aerobic running.
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How to Survive Summer IRONMAN Training
This is the fourth edition of my 8-part column for IRONMAN about my journey training for IRONMAN Florida.  Before you sign up for your first (or next) IRONMAN, you might want to look at when the event falls on the...
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The Peaks and Valleys of IRONMAN Training
This is Part 3 of my 8-part column for IRONMAN where I will be talking about my preparations in the build up to my first full distance race- IRONMAN Florida this fall.  When I started this column, I said it...
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The Evolution of Coaching With Jim Rutberg
I'm a journalist, so thanks to my job I have the opportunity to chat with some really cool people: everyone from pro triathletes and elite trail runners to top coaches and age groupers with interesting stories. When I interview someone...
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How Training For a Full is Different than a Half
This post is the second of an eight-part column that will appear on about my upcoming journey to IRONMAN Florida! I’m a creature of habit and love having a schedule. When I open my training app and see a...
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Becoming One: The Journey Begins
Ironman: The Journey Begins
My heart is racing. A bead of sweat drips from my brow. Years of training have led to this point. Finally, the moment has come. I take a deep breath. With a click of the mouse that sounds like a...
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