
The Peaks and Valleys of IRONMAN Training
This is Part 3 of my 8-part column for IRONMAN where I will be talking about my preparations in the build up to my first full distance race- IRONMAN Florida this fall.  When I started this column, I said it...
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How Training For a Full is Different than a Half
This post is the second of an eight-part column that will appear on IRONMAN.com about my upcoming journey to IRONMAN Florida! I’m a creature of habit and love having a schedule. When I open my training app and see a...
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Well that Didn’t go as Planned… Chattanooga 70.3
Well, the race did not go as planned. It was pretty bad, actually. But rarely is anything ever ALL bad, and that was the case with Chattanooga 70.3 The Good: Pre-race dinner and post-race celebration with my local tri club....
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The Hay is in the Barn + Taper Week Thoughts
Guess what? It's taper time! That's right. After a long, hard training block, we have finally reached taper week. As I write this, my husband, Matt, and I are T minus 6 days until the 2023 edition of Chattanooga 70.3. This...
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Becoming One: The Journey Begins
Ironman: The Journey Begins
My heart is racing. A bead of sweat drips from my brow. Years of training have led to this point. Finally, the moment has come. I take a deep breath. With a click of the mouse that sounds like a...
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Race Report: 2022 IRONMAN 70.3 North Carolina
WHAT A DAY! Sometimes you just have a feeling heading into a race, like everything is building up to something special. IRONMAN 70.3 North Carolina was that race. A swim PR, a bike PR, a run PR, AND an open...
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